For more information about the project itself, please visit our project page devoted to it at
Generic answers in this category: Why are you doing this? What happens when the key is found? How will I know if my computer found the key? What about ITAR? Why doesn't an FPU make my computer crack RC5-72 faster? Why are PowerPC-based and (most) Intel-based computers so much faster than other platforms on RC5-72?
Specific RC5-72 answers in this category: What are the server address and port changes with RC5-72? Why is RC5-72 slower than RC5-64? Why do I get "file is not in format"? What minimum client and proxy versions are needed for RC5-72? Updated client/proxy binaries for my platform are not yet available Why does the client select the wrong core? (or Why does the client select different cores each time?)
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