(Answer) (Category) distributed.net Faq-O-Matic : (Category) the Client software : (Answer) The client triggers auto-dial too much, or does not disconnect.
If the client is auto-dialing itself (or triggering your Operating System to automatically dial) too frequently, then that is because it does not have enough work to process during the time that you are offline. So you need to configure the client to keep enough workunits ready so that it will not run out. See the link below for information about how to configure your work thresholds.
If your client is causing your Operating System to auto-dialing your network connection for you, but the client doesn't ever disconnect your modem, then that is because you have not told the client that you have a dialup connection. See the link below for information about how to configure the "lurk" or "lurk only" mode.
This question has already been answered with this post:
(Xref) I use a modem. How can I get the client to download enough packets?
This document is: http://faq.distributed.net/?file=199
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